
Monday, March 4, 2013

Mini Review: Bullets and Buckets

Bullets and Buckets by Janelle Lee was a quick, romantic, country western story that, in all honesty, kind of confused me.

Here's the synopsis:
The last thing Michelle Hanlan was looking for when she arrived at her grandfather’s ranch was friendship let alone romance. She would do her time and then hightail back to the city where she belongs. That was the plan until Rick crossed her path, leading her heart to other ideas.
I mentioned that this was a quick read. This story was a whole 24 pages and almost wasn't enough to really get into the story. I think that's also what made me a little confused. There were things that I believe should have been explained better. For example, right at the beginning of the story Michelle is confronted with a rattlesnake that Rick ends up shooting to save her. She's completely ungrateful and I was a bit shocked. If someone shot a rattlesnake so it wouldn't bite me, I'd be pretty thankful. Michelle was just hard to like at first so it was a bit of a rough start with her.

I did like the romance, even if it did get off to a sort of odd start. There's a bit of mystery to Rick and it was nice to read along as Michelle started to figure him out. I do like that he calls her on her rudeness right off the bat. It shows that he has a sense of humour that can balance her...well, stuck up-ness.

I know this is a super short review but it's hard to write too much about a 24 page story! I wasn't really thrilled with Bullets and Buckets and think that author Janelle Lee probably could have impressed me more by writing a slightly longer story. I just didn't get enough out of this story, unfortunately.

*A copy of this story was provided by the publisher, Still Moments Publishing, in exchange for an honest review*

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