
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Boyfriends

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme created by the lovely folks at The Broke and the Bookish. They created it because they're "particularly fond of lists" and since I also enjoy lists, I've decided to participate in this fun feature. 

This week's list is a freebie so I decided to come up with my ten book boyfriends. Unfamiliar with the term "book boyfriend"? It's exactly what you think it is - fictional characters that I have a crush on. I'm not crazy, promise. There's actually been a "fictional crush" top ten a couple of years ago and you can still see that post here. I find it a little bit surprising that a lot of the guys on this list are from YA novels. I'm definitely not in YA territory any more (at least when it comes to the genre as, at 25, I'm technically a young least...I think I still I supposed to be a real adult now? Yikes.) Also, there seem to be a lot of characters who have been portrayed on the big screen...which is kind of odd, don't you think? I definitely didn't do that on purpose! Don't forget to check out their blog for a full list of everyone participating and to read Jana's Top Ten OCD Bookish Habits - hilarious!

Here we go...

1. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. I feel like this speaks for itself. It also doesn't hurt that Darcy has been portrayed on the big screen by some very yummy actors. Dark, broody, dripping distracted... :) Oh, and that proposal scene in the 2005 version? "If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Sa-woon.

Elliot Cowan (2008) and Matthew Macfadyen (2005)

2. Marcus from the Jessica Darling series. I think Marcus was my first bad boy literary crush. Jessica was such a...well...if you didn't know her you'd call her a goody goody so it's hard to picture her with Marcus. Over the course of the series we get to see both Marcus and Jessica evolve, change, and grow which is one of the reasons I loved this series.

3. Dex from This Lullaby. I have to admit that it's been ages since I read this book and I can't remember specifics about Dex but I remember loving him so that's just going to have to be enough :)

4. Ron from the Harry Potter series. Who doesn't love Harry's ginger haired friend? I always thought he'd be so much fun to hang out with. Hermione is one lucky gal.

5. Jacob from the Twilight series. Don't judge. Those of you who have read this series are either Team Jacob or Team Edward, don't try to lie :) I always thought that Edward was too controlling and that was frustrating to me. Jacob was more laid back. Plus, the getting really tall and built when he becomes a werewolf doesn't hurt either. Sparkling vampires don't do anything for me!

6. Ethan from Something Borrowedand Something Blue. Again, it's been ages since I've read these books but he always seemed like the best guy to hook up with in this series. Add in the fact that he was played by John Krasinski in the recent movie and I'm completely sold. 

7. Peeta from the Hunger Games series. Yes, I was totally Team Peeta when I was reading Suzanne Collins' series. Gale was alright and all but he was too hot headed and angry for me. Peeta was a little...well, sweeter (as sweet as you can be when you're literally fighting to the death) and I liked that.

8. Forrest from  Go Small or Go Home. Forrest is an extremely attractive hockey player. I don't think any further explanation is needed - particularly to my Canadian readers.

9. Noah from The Notebook. Ok, I admit, this one probably has a lot to do with Ryan Gosling playing Noah in the 2004 movie. Noah was one of Sparks' heroes who was sweet but rough around the edges. He wrote Allie a letter every day for a year. Um. Sold. (PS I have no idea if that's actually in the book...I read the novel almost 10 years ago)

10. Jack from Bed of Roses. It was tough to pick one guy from the Bride Quartet series but Jack stood out for me because he was one of the guys who worked with his hands. I don't know why that made such a difference to me but it did. He was more take charge than, say, Carter (from Vision In White) but wasn't as controlling and protective as Delaney (Savor the Moment) or as hotheaded as Malcolm (Happy Ever After). Jack isn't the only Nora Roberts hero who works on houses - I love all the brothers in the Inn Boonsboro trilogy too!

And there you have it - ten male characters who I would love to date in real life. But, they're fictional so the boyfriend doesn't have anything to worry about! :)

Who would you choose as your literary crush? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy reading :)


  1. Oh, Mr. Darcy, forever making girls swoon.

    Great list! I did a similar one about fictional guys who have ruined real guys forever ;-)

  2. 1. First of all, I don’t think I’ve seen this ADDED scene… or at least I don’t remember it. I’ll have to rewatch the whole thing, darn. It’s really surprising to me that Mr. Darcy is such a swoon-worthy character to so many (including myself). He’s rude and doesn’t say much and then POW it hits ya and you’re hooked. Gosh, when he stutters those I love, love, love yous… man!

    2. Marcus was always too… out-there and misunderstood and risky for me.

    3. I’m sure I enjoyed Dex… as I do all the Sarah Dessen men. (that rhymes!)

    4. I was SO happy Hermione and Ron ended up together. I would certainly take his humour and his British accent in a boyfriend.

    5. & 7. I think it’s funny that you would pick Jacob, because he’s more laid back, when I think he is exactly like Gale, too hot headed and angry haha Peeta, for sure.

    6. Dexter wins, hands down. It’s odd to me that I don’t care AT ALL that he cheated… he was perfect anyway. I think it was his bookish, academic side.

    8. I haven’t read it – but maybe I should.

    9. I read The Notebook for the first time in the last year and I was shocked by how short and how few details there were. I guess I just love the movie SO MUCH. On a similar note, Landon, from A Walk to Remember might be a good catch, post-rebellious phase.

    10. Oh my, how can I choose from the Roberts men. I actually can’t. haha

    This was a nice study break. It’s actually very therapeutic to blog. Thanks for the opportunity :)

  3. *swoons* great list! They all sound like great male characters :D
    my TTT:

  4. Great List :)
    1. Darcy - Of course, though to point out the Darcy on the left side isnt Colin Firth, it's the Mr. Darcy from Lost in Austen :)

    2. Marcus - I love this series and am actually re-reading it for the 3rd time.

    Ryan Gosling is YUM :)

    New Follower

    1. That's what happens when you rush a post and haven't been able to watch Lost in Austen yet! Also, grainy-ish photos suck! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Just finished Go Small or Go Home! Loved it :) And loved Forrest, of course!


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